FREE Oil Painting
Mime Painting about 50x50
Bottom left corner reads
'76 Clista
Bottom left corner reads
'76 Clista
From Dewayne Neederlander
To Brad
Good afternoon,
I was recently browsing Craigslist when I came across your oil painting which you claim is a Clista. Do you still have it?
Thank you,
From Brad
To Dewayne
sorry got zero responses and threw it out wednesday.
I was recently browsing Craigslist when I came across your oil painting which you claim is a Clista. Do you still have it?
Thank you,
From Brad
To Dewayne
sorry got zero responses and threw it out wednesday.
From Dewayne Neederlander
To Brad
Brad, this news is most unfortunate and I hate to be the one to break it to you. You see that particular painting was Clista's first and has an estimated auction value of over $5,000. I would have gladly given you quite a bit for it so I could display it in my gallery.From Brad
To Dewayne Neederlander
suuuuuuuuuure idiot
From Dewayne
To Brad
Laugh all you want Brad, but I'm not the one who potentially threw away $5,000.
From Roger Podacter
To Brad
Greetings, I saw your Clista on-line. Do you still have the painting? Don't allow yourself to be ripped off for it, I will pay top dollar.
From Brad
To Roger
what is special about this guy? it looked like a kid painted it
From Roger
To Brad
Clista was not a guy, she was a little-known female painter who created concrete paintings using abstract methods. Did you already sell the painting? If so, I hope you got more than $3,000 AT LEAST.-Roger
From Brad
To Roger
i threw the painting away on wednesday. where does nyds take collection from woodside 63rdst and 50ave? i still know this is jamie.
From Roger
To Brad
Jamie? Please tell me that you didn't throw away an original Clista. The painting you have is quite valuable if it is indeed a Clista original. The "clown" painting that you described in your listing is actually Clista's first painting, which she did at the age of 7. It's not an oil painting as you state, its actually Clista's own fecal matter which she dyed and used. Hence the painting's name, "The Brown Clown".
From Brad
To Roger
**** you! i knew it
From Roger
To Brad