1992 kx 125 for crossbow
Roger Podacter:
Good afternoon,
I saw your ad where you're looking to acquire a crossbow in a trade for your 1992 KX 125. I am definitely interested, and I have a Horton Recon 175 crossbow which I've only used for 5 kills. This particular bow is machined from solid aluminum billet and has a collapsible stock, vertical grip, and a three-position picatinny rail. The recon limbs also come with a lifetime warranty, so you know those suckers are built to last. This puppy can also launch an arrow at 325fps, which easily gives it enough power to puncture the skull of an attacker from a quarter mile away.
Like I said, I haven't used this particular bow very much and mostly had it for personal protection for my family. The bow is in excellent shape, but the only problem is that I went on an elk hunt with my brother-in-law Daryl last summer in the Yukon territory and we used poison tipped arrows. So all of the arrows included with the bow are poison tipped, so you'd have to be extremely carefully. I would also recommend using gloves when handling the bow because I am almost positive I dripped some of the poison onto the stock.
Obviously, this bow is a bit more valuable than your bike, so perhaps we can work some additional goods/compensation into the deal?
Look forward to hearing from you,
Send me some pictures if you can through email or my cell phone and where are you from....?
Ya im interested i have an old 35 handgun i canthrow in it was left around from my grandfather so i dont think it was ever registered thats how old it was its a top break revolver maybe you can keep that in your dresser for protection....
Id like to throw something together asap because archery season has already started so let me know when you want to put something together...Im free all day today and also tommorow..
Roger Podacter:
I get what you mean. I am gonna get over to my garage and take some pictures of it now. I'll try and send them sometime soon this afternoon.
I also feel I need to be completely honest with you. You are probably wondering why I am willing to trade such a high-quality bow for your crummy little bike. I feel I have to shoot you straight, so I'll tell you that this particular bow doesn't actually belong to me. It belonged to my brother Simon. And last spring while prepping the bow, I accidentally misfired and a ricochet poison tipped arrow punctured his lung.
Unfortunately, he passed away two days later. Originally I had planned to keep the bow, but over the next several weeks, strange things began to occur. The bow would strangely move locations in my garage when I had not used it. And I swear that several times it would fire when I had not yet triggered it to. I know you probably think I am crazy or joking, but I swear to god that I think this crossbow is haunted. Take it for whats it worth, but I just feel I need to let you know about it.
Are you still interested?
Yes im still interested, My familys christian ill have them pray over it and well go from there sorry to here about your brother im sure you feel terrible but accidents do happen.
And the bike i have isnt alittle bike either im 6 ft 240 pounds and it was pulling my ass all over the place....If your mechanincal you can have it fixed and running fine in about 2 hrs if not you can take it to a shop they said it would be between 100 and 175 to have it all done so its up to you and where are you from???
Roger Podacter:
Del you are so insensitive!!!! This is some kind of SICK delusional joke!!!! I have no idea where you find the humor in pretending to e-mail back n forth with my dead husband!!?! and I KNOW for a fact you're still trying to get me back. Roger was my husband and I loved him, what you and I had was a fling and I regret it to this day. You know exactly what happened the day he died, and you know the cops couldn't prove it was murder!! I'm pretty sure that you and I both know YOU are the one responsible.
And now you're pretending to be having a negotiation with him for the very crossbow you used to kill him!?!?!?
BURN IN HELL!!!!!!!!
Is this some kind of joke? i guess this was a joke the whole time, so am i not getting that crossbow? who am i talking to here? the bikes really nice roger, del? or roger's wife or whoever....
Steve: (sent the next day)
I am little bit freaked out/concerned here, and I just need to know what exactly is going on.
Please respond to clear things up.
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