To: Chuck E. Cares
Good Afternoon,
I was just curious if it would be possible to hold my son Darius's Halloween party at your Monroeville Chuckie Cheese this coming Saturday.
I see that your web-site accommodates "Birthday" party reservations, but this does not fall under that category. I just need to know if you'd be capable of hosting an event like this.
Thank you,
Chuck E. Cares
To: Roger Podacter
Dear Guest:
You are more than welcome to do a Walk In party where the seating is unreserved and on a first come first serve basis and order from the menu. Otherwise, the only parties we hold on the weekends are for Birthdays.
Thank you for choosing Chuck E. Cheese's and have a MAGICAL day!
Roger Podacter
To: Chuck E. Cares
Thanks for replying to my email so quickly. I am just making sure it would be OK to host Darius and his friends for a Halloween party. He is 7, and so excited about Halloween this year. He's at that age where he wants it to be really scary. Being a single father, I just want to make sure this year is special for him.
Basically here are my ideas for the party, and I just want to make sure Chuckie Cheese is ok with them:
We arrive around 5pm in full costume. I will be dressed as a kitten and ready to purr. First thing we'll feed all the kids some pizza and pop, Darius has invited 60 classmates. After eating I'll let the kids go to town on the games by purchasing $30 worth of tokens for each kid. Mid-way through their playing, I plan on really getting the Halloween spooks going.
I will need the help of the Chuckie Cheese manager on duty, because at 7pm we plan on killing all the lights. A slow thumping kick drum rolls like a train as the children scramble around in the darkness (I will be playing the drum). Thick fog fills the restaurant as one of your employees releases a bag of live bats I have brought into the store (they are all tame). Next my brother-in-law Gerry bursts into the restaurant with his face covered in blood (fake) and his arms wielding a gas-powered chainsaw (real). He quickly saws a few bats in two and performs several chain saw stunts on the Chuckie Cheese band stage. As Gerry is finishing up, my best friend Dewayne Neederlander who is an amateur stunt man, will go streaking through your restaurant fully engulfed in flames.
After this, the lights will come back on and the children will bob for apples in an apple cider barrel near the ball pit. Then I will perform a fake-exorcism on one of the children, give treat bags and send the kids packing with their parents.
I understand that you say Chuckie Cheese is first-come first serve, but I just wanted to make sure you were aware of some of the party activities I had planned. What time does your restaurant close on Saturdays? I planned on really scaring one of the kids by "accidentally" leaving him in the restaurant after closing.
Chuck E. Cares
To: Roger Podacter
Dear Guest:
Unfortunately, this is totally unacceptable and you will not be allowed to hold a party in chuckecheese of this nature.
Roger Podacter
To: Chuck E. Cares
I have to say I am a little disappointed by your response. I was under the impression that Chuckie Cheese had an open-door policy for parties. I am just curious as to why I would not be able to host my son Darius's Halloween party at your Monroeville restaurant?
I am willing to make changes as needed, I am just a single dad trying his best to make his son's Halloween a memorable one.
I look forward to your response.
Chuck E. Cares
To: Roger Podacter
Dear Guest:
You are more than welcome to have your Halloween party for your son. The children are welcome to dress in costume & you can hand out your treat bags. Unfortunately, adults are not able to dress up and there is no outside entertainment allowed.
You would not be able to do any of the scary events as you listed in your previous message. We are open to the public and have to consider everyone. That is why we do not allow outside entertainment. Any party you choose to have would have to be under Chuck E. Cheese guidelines.
Roger Podacter
To: Chuck E. Cares
Thank you for your quick response once again. I appreciate the great customer service I have received so far, and I feel we are on our way to ironing out all the details of Darius's halloween party. I understand that you don't want to allow outside entertainment, because you already offer a full stage band with Chuckie and his All-Stars. My brother-in-law Gerry is not an entertainer, he actually is a car salesman/pediatrician. But, I will tell him to leave the chainsaw and costume at home. And obviously Dewayne is an amateur stuntman who is capable of performing stunts at any time, so he is kind of outside entertainment. Does this mean he is not permitted to come at all?
The one thing I don't understand is that you don't allow adults to dress up. Darius is going as a tabby cat and I was going to be his Tabby baby brother. There's no exception you can make? If not, I am willing to simply wear a small hat and leotards and go as Peter Pan. This way if any of your other customers are offended I can easily remove the hat and appear to be in street clothes.
Ok, I think we both agree that the fog machine and chainsaw are unreasonable, but what about the mock exorcism?
Also, would it be possible for one of your employees to kill the lights momentarily so I can screech loudly to create a spooky effect? This wouldn't be for just my party, but I'm sure the other guests would appreciate the scare because of the season.
Thank you.
Chuck E. Cares
To: Roger Podacter
Dear Guest:
In regards to your notation...We apologize for the inconvenience but we are unable to meet your requests. We have a strict policy of no adults in any costumes. Your friend who is an entertainer is permitted in the restaurant, but he is at no time permitted to perform any "stunts".
If you would like to discuss this matter further please provide us with your telephone number so we may have our legal department contact you.
Any further e-mails will be forwarded to our legal department for processing and documentation.
oh man thats some funny shit
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize CC has a strict dress code..."We have a strict policy of no adults in
ReplyDeleteany costumes". I highly doubt this is any type of enforcable policy....especially on Halloween.
this is stupid... good thing i stopped reading 1/3 of the way through
ReplyDeleteI think that they should have let him considering he was willing to bring that much business into CC. Then he was going to spend $30 in tokens for each kid i mean come one any manager would have made accomedations....I would have
ReplyDelete^agreed $1800+ is enough to let someone do whatever they want.
ReplyDeleteThe no Costumes rule is due to the fact that the place is packed with kids. Halloween would be the pefect time to go in there with a mask on without anyone thinking twice. That would be the perfect opprotunity for someone to abduct a child.
ReplyDeleteOk, the big problem i think here is that Chuck E. Cheese has thier own halloween thing they do. I took my 6 year old there for halloween this year and it was pretty good. The band started to play like they always do, but then Chuck started lurching over and making a weird groaning noise. One of the staff members came over to attend to the ailing robot but soon after he approached the giant rat a small monster ripped its way out of Chuck's stomach and latched onto his face. The worker lurched backward and screamed as the small terror shredded him and sent blood all over hte children. This was great as it really got the kids feeling like they were a part of the fun with the workers and all thier favorite characters, and my son Gibraltar screamed with delight.
ReplyDeleteThe worker fell on the ground and screamed while blood fountained out of his wounds and the creature ran into the playgound area. At this point the lights went out and other workers ran about and splashed fake blood on all over the rest of the children and took a few parents aside to pretend to be dead.
When the lights came back on Gibraltar and all of his friends were really enjoying the show. The children whose parents were suddenly missing began to cry (with excitement i assume), and workers dressed in black robes entered the building from every door. They made the children line up at the ball pit and explain why they shouldnt be sacraficed to the great beast of the ball pit but none of thier tearful cries could sway the emotionless robed figures. Each child was dropped into the ball pit and pulled into a secret compartment underneath where they were given five tokens and told to have a fun night.
My little Gibraltar enjoyed himself so much that he hasnt even been able to talk since! So as you can see, this man's requests would have very much interefered with the already planned festivities, which i think we can all agree were quite exciting.
I happen to work at Chuck E Cheese's
ReplyDeleteThat would be so bad ass if that man could host that
Is this for real? People these days....