Roger Podacter:
Hi, I saw your scooter ad on-line and I'm very interested. My son Darius is an aspiring stuntman and currently performs horse stunts, but we are looking to move him into the motorized arena.
Do you have any idea how fast this scooter can travel?
Also, what are you looking to trade for?
Hi! Thanks for your response to my ad. I'm a little over 230lbs and it took me somewhere between 15-20mph (I'm sure if he ways less than I do it probably has the potential to go faster!). I'm really hoping to get a wii or for my girlfriend or 150.00 but I'm open to other trades (let me know what you have!). There is also a list of other things on my post that I am also looking for.
Let me know!
Roger Podacter
Let me know!
Roger Podacter
Its great to hear back from you. If that scooter can go 15-20mph with someone as big as you on it, I'm sure it would be able to get Darius upwards of 55mph. He is on the smaller side and he's only at 83 pounds right now in 6th grade. But I'm sure he'll grow up fast. Have you ever used the scooter to perform tricks and/or stunts?
Those Nintendo Wiis are cool, and I'm sure your girlfriend would love one, but I'm not sure that the scooter is worth a Wii. I think she would really like a spectacular show. Maybe we could work something out where in exchange for the scooter, Darius and myself would perform a scooter stunt show for you and your friends/family. We could set-up our equipment in your yard and perform using your scooter. Normally something like this would set you back $600, but we'd be willing to do it for the scooter as long as you could provide us with a meal and dressing room.
I'll call you later today to discuss,
Its great to hear back from you. If that scooter can go 15-20mph with someone as big as you on it, I'm sure it would be able to get Darius upwards of 55mph. He is on the smaller side and he's only at 83 pounds right now in 6th grade. But I'm sure he'll grow up fast. Have you ever used the scooter to perform tricks and/or stunts?
Those Nintendo Wiis are cool, and I'm sure your girlfriend would love one, but I'm not sure that the scooter is worth a Wii. I think she would really like a spectacular show. Maybe we could work something out where in exchange for the scooter, Darius and myself would perform a scooter stunt show for you and your friends/family. We could set-up our equipment in your yard and perform using your scooter. Normally something like this would set you back $600, but we'd be willing to do it for the scooter as long as you could provide us with a meal and dressing room.
I'll call you later today to discuss,
Nick B
Thank you for the offer but I just got an email from someone who wants to buy it for 140.00 and I could really use the cash.
Roger Podacter
Are you serious???? You'd rather have $140 instead of a private professional stunt show??
Come to your senses kid, do you think your girlfriend would rather watch you in your underwear playing Wii bowling or drool in amazement as my son Darius lands softly on the tarmac riding your scooter after clearing 6 cars while sporting a cape and tiger mask?
E-mail me back.
Come to your senses kid, do you think your girlfriend would rather watch you in your underwear playing Wii bowling or drool in amazement as my son Darius lands softly on the tarmac riding your scooter after clearing 6 cars while sporting a cape and tiger mask?
E-mail me back.
Nick B
Roger Podacter
Actually Nick, you'll be getting no stunt show and no $140. I am the sender of the $140 offer. This whole e-mail chain was a sting operation too discover if you are the culprit who stole MY motor scooter which we use for Darius's stunt shows.
After a careful review of all our correspondence I think I have enough evidence to call the cops and have you arrested. The only way I will change my mind is if you agree to invite Darius and myself to your home to perform a scooter stunt show for you and your friends/family. We could set-up our equipment in your yard and perform using your scooter. Normally something like this would set you back $600, but we'd be willing to do it for the scooter as long as you could provide us with a meal and dressing room.
I'll call you later today to discuss,
P.S. You have one hour to contact me or I am calling the cops
Nick B
I got the $140 today you ****
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