Target: Tanqueray
Web-site: www.tanqueray.com
What they sell: Gin
Date: January 10, 2008
Subject: Thanks!
From: Roger Podacter
Thu, Jan 10, 2008 at 5:56 PM
To: Tanqueray@consumer-care.net
Hey Tanqueray! I just wanted to thank you guys for my night last night. I bought a bottle of Tanqueray and slammed it with my buds. Next thing I know, I wake up with this chick that is wayyyyy to hot for me.......niiiiice. Apparently we guzzled the bottle of Tanqueray, walked to the local bar, then I picked up this chick and then we partook in intercourse in her bedroom.
I just wanna thank you guys for making me the man I am today. I think I got her preggers though.... :(
Roger W. Podacter Sr
Dear Mr. Roger Podacter,
Thank you for taking time to contact Tanqueray. We appreciate hearing from
our consumers because your feedback is important.
Of course, we recommend responsible drinking. Although we do appreciate
your enthusiasm.
Once again, thank you for contacting Tanqueray.
Jack C
Tanqueray Consumer Representative
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