Site: fourseasons.com/stlouis/
What they are: Hotel
Date: Jan 17, 2008
Submitted By: Mumpleton Funk
Good afternoon, my name is Zigmund Goder and I recently stayed at your Four Seasons Hotel in beautiful St.Louis. I just would like to congratulate your staff on a job well done. I have never before encountered a staff as knowledgeable and understanding of single parent fathers. I have been a single parent since 2002, which was when my wife was murdered by a man in Rhode Island.Though tough at times, its been a joy to raise
During the first night of our stay
Unfortunately I had a bit too much drink that night and didn't make it back to my room until around one o'clock the next day. I expected to find my daughter alone and scared in our room, but to my amazement the maid, Lupe had stayed with her through the night and had even taken her to a local mall to get her ears pierced and to Rite-Aid to buy some Hello Kitty tampons. That is the kind of service that wins awards.
ahaha love it