Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Original Mattress Factory

Target: The Original Mattress Factory
What they sell: Mattresses
Date: April 14, 2009
Submitted By: Mumpleton Funk

Good afternoon,
I have a question that is sort of embarrassing, but I need an answer to solve my problem. I am a single parent, and my son Darius is 14 years old. Being a single parent is hard enough, but I have an even more difficult problem with my son Darius. For the past 10 years my son Darius has been urinating in his bed while he sleeps.

Most kids struggle with this problem at some point during their childhood, but not many 14 year old boys wet their bed every night. I was wondering if your company makes a special mattress for this problem. I mostly blame myself, because as a child when he did it I never worked very hard to correct it, but now it is really beginning to be a serious problem.

My house smells like a kitty litter box and I am growing tired of washing comforters everyday. He refuses to wear a diaper, because of the comfort issues and I have a feeling he is getting tired of wearing a bathing suit to bed.

Currently, I have Darius sleeping on a mesh hammock that I constructed in his room with several liquid collecting buckets placed below the hammock. Its really embarrassing when the neighbors see me emptying the buckets every morning in the backyard with my daughter Kala.

Is there any type of mattress solution that you currently sell that helps to alleviate this problem? I know you may find this e-mail hard to believe, but its more common than you think and I'm really at a loss for a solution.


from CM****

date Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:25 PM

subject re: mattress inquiry



Mr. Podacter~

We received your email and unfortunately do not think we have a solution that will help in your situation. We can make a twin or full size mattress with a staph check (vinyl) material to help protect the mattress. We sell waterproof mattress pads that are machine washable. There are other companies that sell waterproof covers that encase the mattress.

From what you described, due to the severity of the situation I do not know that these would help sufficiently. You may have already tried but one suggestion would be to get some help or counseling for your son to try to prevent the situation from occurring. I hope you are able to find a solution for both of your sakes. If you are intetested in a staph check mattress, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Original Mattress Factory



  1. How many gallons do those buckets hold, ma'm? Does it resemble the scene from the Sorcerer's Apprentice (Fantasia) when the brooms carry all those buckets? It's really a shame all that urine would overflow the toilets if you tried to empty the buckets in them!

    Ever think of getting the little darlin' to cut back to only a gallon or so of cola or whatever before bed?

    Sounds to me like a story out of Fantasia, or the kids truly got one helleva drinkin' problem!

  2. Tempur-Pedic says that that this is due to the "unique cellular structure" of its material, which is a guarded top secret known only to a few. Tempur material is made only at two company owned facilitie.. Tempurpedic beds
